Happiness in the Everyday-ness

Happiness in the Everyday-ness You know this, but if you’re anything like me you could use a reminder:

It’s the little things, the every day moments like grocery shopping on Saturday mornings, tucking the kids into bed, coffee breaks on Monday afternoons, that make up a life.

Don’t get me wrong; the big things are great, too.
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But they’re few and far between.
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What’s in between adds up, so it’s worth paying attention to.

Your life is now. Someday you’ll look back on now and reminisce about these moments, so it makes sense to be in them as you live them, right?

That means being present and aware and awake and alive. Bettering the everyday stuff, like grilled chicken Tuesdays.
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I write about this for The Bold Life blog this week. The Bold Life is where Tess Marshall offers Inspiration for Fearless Living. It’s an inspirational and uplifting corner of cyberspace and I’m honored to be the guest blogger this week.

Click over there to check out my post, This is It.

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