EP114: What if it doesn’t work? Yeah, but what if it does?

Twice a year, before each LSBC class begins, I’m flooded with emails that say things like this:

“Everything about this understanding resonates so deeply with me, but I’m afraid to try The Little School of Big Change because I’ve already tried everything”

Or, “I love what you share and I know it could help me finally end my habit, but I don’t have the money because I want to put my kid in karate lessons/buy my dog a new bed/do something for someone else.” 

Or, “I have been struggling with my anxiety/habit for 21 years, but do you have a guarantee it will work?”

All of these hesitations tend to point to the fear of a feeling. We’re afraid of what we’ll tell ourselves, or what we might feel, if we do something for ourselves. If we take a step toward change and it doesn’t work, what will we feel?

So we shut down our own wisdom and stay where we are. It feels safer there. 

If you recognize yourself in any of these reasons, around any investment in yourself or your own health and peace of mind, please listen to this episode. 


The Little School of Big Change Fall 2020 course begins in just ONE WEEK! 

We are ALL navigating huge change right now, and there’s no better, easier, more natural way to do that than to see that who-we-are is designed for change. It’s only our mind that has a hard time with it.

So whether you’ve turned to old habits and coping mechanisms during this time, or the uncertainty is getting to you, or the social isolation or maybe anxiety are worse than they need to be, please consider spending this time in an incredible, loving community that can help you see a much better way.

If you pre-enroll before the September 28th course begins, you are guaranteed a seat and you save. Go to https://www.thelittleschoolofbigchange.com to enroll.

I hope to see you in class! 

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The Little School of Big Change Self-Study Course!

The Little School of Big Change is a program designed to help you overcome anxiety and unwanted habits without needing to rely on willpower or self-discipline.

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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Dr. Amy Johnson’s work has helped thousands of people find lasting freedom from unwanted habits and anxiety, and realize deeper meaning and peace of mind. Get access to free resources to help you on your journey by creating a free Student Access account today!