Falling Away

boy and girl playing tug of war falling awayOur Possibility Call in The Little School of Big Change this month was about habits, anxiety, and old patterns “falling away”.

I use that phrase–falling away–often. And I get that it can be easily misunderstood. 

A mind will add a lot of assumptions and meaning to it. If a habit or issue “falls away”,  it must happen quickly, like you wake up and find your problem having fallen away in your sleep. It must not take any effort, or involve any discomfort. 

It sounds very magical. And it is, but it isn’t. It isn’t always quick or pain-free at all, that’s not what falling away means. 

Falling away points to the fact that it’s not on us. We have a shift in consciousness, a new thought, and things simply look and feel different.

Nothing has changed, but everything is different. 

Your mind changes. Your consciousness shifts, and what used to look solid and personal, looks far less so. From there–with a giant crack in the foundation–new actions occur to you. New possibilities show up. New choices are made.

And somewhere along the way, old problems fall away. Maybe with a lot of fanfare, maybe with very little. But you didn’t have to make it happen. 

New thought brought a new reality, and in that new reality, the old issues no longer fit.

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