EP171: Deeply Exploring the Nature of Thought

In this episode, I share a practice I’ve been playing with.

It’s a deep investigation into the actual experience of thought. It’s me asking “what is this thought thing, really?”

It’s me walking right up to a thought and looking at it. Feeling it. Moving closer. Are there images, sounds, or other sensory reflections I find? 

Are there memories or other thoughts reflected? 

Can I nail it down? Is it solid or fuzzy, stable or wobbly? What’s behind it? Who is perceiving it?

Investigating the actual nature of a thought in this way has been completely mind blowing for me. It’s helped a big layer of illusion begin to peel back and fall away.  

I invite you to ask yourself–what is thought, really? And then let your experience of it show you. You might be shocked at what you discover. 


If you’ve ever wanted to support people by sharing this understanding, the Change Coach Training Program is unlike any other in terms of the personal feedback, guidance, and support you receive. Check out all the details at dramyjohnson.com/coachtraining.

Monday, November 8th, I’ll be hosting a webinar where you can hear all about the 2022 program from me and from a panel of graduates. I’d love to see you there!

Register for the webinar at dramyjohnson.com/changecoachwebinar2021

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