EP182: Clare Dimond: How Suffering and Seeking Reveal Love and Perfection

In this conversation, Clare shares how suffering and seeking are love in disguise.

We talk about how the search for something that will make us feel complete can literally never, ever be won. The seeking itself reinforces the misunderstanding that something is missing or needed. 

And we talk about the fact that all suffering and seeking is absolutely perfect in that it allows us to see what needs to be seen. It allows for true peace and freedom. 

Clare talks about restoring sanity and why, as she says, we’re all insane most of the time; why no-self accountability is so important to freedom, and what’s been most key for her over the past several years in shifting perception from separation to oneness. 

I could listen to Clare talk all day long and I’m sure you’ll feel the same.  Her books and courses are amazing and I highly recommend you check them out at claredimond.com


The next LSBC course begins February 7th.

The upcoming course will include entirely brand new content. 

If you still haven’t been through LSBC, this is the time! And if you have been through the course, this is the time to come back through with the new and improved content, to start 2022 in a great place. 

Enroll now at www.thelittleschoolofbigchange.com to save your seat in the February 7th course. And remember, you can save 33% and also get a huge library of digital courses when you’re part of Student Access Plus

And if you want to help people end habits or find freedom from anxiety and needless worry, The Change Coach Training and Certification program is the perfect place to learn how.

This program is unlike any other in terms of the personal feedback, guidance, and support you receive. The 2022 group begins on January 27th and there are just a couple spots left. Check out all the details at dramyjohnson.com/change-coach-training-certification and reach out if you’d like to talk about the training!

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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