When You Feel Lost – Part Two

Last week I told you about the woman who said she was LOST while in the middle of a lot of big energy. You can read Part One here.


“I’m lost” tells the story that she should feel some way other than she does. Something else should be happening. These feelings are wrong and unwelcome.


What comes along with “I’m lost” is “I need to be not lost. I can’t feel this. This is not allowed.”


I think what’s really happening when we feel lost is that our mind is spinning, trying to figure things out. Trying to get us somewhere else. 

The antidote to that–always–is to feel this, whatever this is. Feeling this is the only act of non-resistance. 


Settle into what’s here now. Even when your mind is screaming about how horrible it is, how wrong it is, how painful it is.  None of that is true. What’s arising right now is exactly what’s supposed to be arising right now. 

It’s here to be felt, not fought. You can’t be lost. This is always where you’re supposed to be.  


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