EP245: The Power of True Listening with Liz Scott 

Liz has been deeply impacted by the knowing that we all have exactly what we need in any moment.  We are health. We are life itself. Fresh ideas and wisdom are constantly moving us through life.

From that grounding, she sees that listening is one of the most powerful ways we can be with someone. When we listen–rather than try to help them get somewhere or problem solve with them–we make space for them to recognize their own wisdom.

During Covid lockdowns, Liz went into her local community to offer listening. The ideas she had during that time are now sprouting into all sorts of amazing forms of support, all centered around allowing people to be seen and heard, so that they can recognize their own wisdom.

Liz is the author of a book I highly recommend called To Listen is to Love. Please check out the book here and see more about Liz’s Wellbeing Listener programs here:



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