In this digital course, you will follow 5 people who are struggling with drinking related thoughts and behaviors as they are coached in a group setting over four weeks.
Dr. Amy Johnson supports the group as they come to see themselves and their habits in a radically new way. Amy will also debrief each group coaching session (without the participants present), pulling out key themes and things to take note of from each session.
If you are struggling with over-drinking or any unwanted behavior, watching other people being coached through their experience is an incredible way to see more of yourself.
You get over 10 hours of content in this course.

In the Freedom From Over-Drinking
Course, You’ll See More About:
What all people, all thoughts, and all habits have in common. You’ll see more about why we have habits like overdrinking, how these habits begin, and what allows for them to fall away.
Specific issues that often come up around drinking such as guilt, shame and regret; loneliness; and dealing with the physical aspects of urges to drink and the physical aftermath of overdrinking.
The ways in which we’ve been conditioned to associate alcohol with relaxation and being social and fun, and how we can see through that conditioning.
How emotional discomfort and urges to overdrink are actually helpful pointers back toward your innate peace of mind.
The simple misunderstandings that underlie all “over-ing” habits, and the truth beyond those misunderstandings.
And much, much more
Freedom From Over-Drinking
Is Perfect for You If:
You’re struggling with overdrinking and you’d love to see things in a new way.
You’re ready to be a fly-on-the-wall while others share, knowing that you can learn so much from their experience.
You’ve tried several things to reduce your drinking, and nothing has helped.
You are, or would like to be, a coach who supports others through habits like overdrinking and you want to see more about how Dr. Amy works with people from the no-willpower approach.
What’s Inside
Freedom From Over-Drinking:
Video 1 – Introduction
Dr. Amy shares information about how the five participants were chosen, her philosophy around helping people find freedom from over-drinking and other behavioral habits, and her expectations.
Video 2 – Session #1
In our first session, the group members introduce themselves and share their experience with over-drinking. Most group members describe the “tug-of-war” of wanting so badly to drink and also wanting so badly not to.
Video 3 – Session #1 Discussion
Amy shares her observations and comments on the first group session
Video 4 – Session #2
The participants come to our second session with less self-judgment. They discuss the fact that alcohol doesn’t do what we think it does; that we’re conditioned to reach for things we think will help us feel a particular way.
Video 5 – Session #2 Discussion
Amy shares her observations and comments on the second group session.
Video 6 – Session #3
In our third session, a much deeper conversation begins to emerge. The group talks about how feelings, moods and urges are always moving on their own. They discuss the fact that our experience is not personal.
Video 7 – Session #3 Discussion
Amy shares her observations and comments on the third group session.
Video 8 – Session #4
By our fourth session, the group is feeling much more relaxed about their habits. Most of them have experienced some behavior change, but even more than that, they are seeing things in a more hopeful, less fearful way.
Video 9 – Session #4 Discussion
Amy shares her observations and comments on the fourth group session.
Video 10 – Four-Week Follow-up
Four weeks after our last group coaching session, we meet again for a 60-minute follow-up. The participants give updates on how the past month has gone for them since the course ended.
Video 11 – Follow-up Discussion
Amy shares her observations and comments on the four-week follow-up session, as well as some closing remarks and how you can get more support.

“I had made the decision to reduce my level of alcohol consumption, mainly for health reasons, but found that I was not succeeding through willpower alone.
Through Amy’s course I gained understanding to help me not only overcome the drinking issue, but also develop a deeper feeling of peace. Together with this increased relaxation, I now sense the potential for so much more to come.”
– Martin Barker
This course is now exclusively available as part of Student Access Plus. Membership in Student Access Plus includes:

About Amy
Amy Johnson, PhD is a psychologist, coach, author, and speaker who shares a groundbreaking new approach that helps people find true, lasting freedom from unwanted habits via insight rather than willpower.
She is author of Being Human (2013), The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit (2016), and Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind (2021). In 2017 she opened The Little School of Big Change, an online school that has helped hundreds of people find freedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life.
Johnson has been a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show and Oprah.com, as well as in The Wall Street Journal and Self magazine.
Will this course be helpful for me even if my drinking habit shows up differently for me than it does for the people who are coached in the course?
Yes, absolutely. The coaching that happens in this course goes far beyond specific behaviors, drinking or otherwise. It points to what is behind all habits, so it will be relevant no matter how your overdrinking looks.
If you are experiencing unwanted thoughts, physical anxiety, overwhelming worry, or overthinking in any way, this course will be extremely relatable and helpful to you.
How long will I have access to these recordings? Will I get to keep these recordings so that I can revisit them?
If you’ve purchased this course, you’ll have access to these recordings for as long as you want. You can login to the site at any time and find them on the menu.
If you join Student Access +, you’ll have access to these recordings for as long as you are a member.
If I need more support with overdrinking after going through this course, what should I do next?
I highly recommend going through The Little School of Big Change. It’s an amazing course that has helped thousands of people find freedom from a wide variety of habits and addictions.
You can go through the self-study version of The Little School of Big Change at any time, and then upgrade to also be part of the guided course where you’ll be part of an interactive group and be able to get personal support from Amy. Learn more here.