
Ask Amy Companion Guide


I used to spend a ton of time answering questions by email. I mean, a lot of time.

Honestly, I did it because I loved it. When someone emailed me about a struggle, I sensed exactly where they were stuck before I even finished reading their message. It was hard for me to not respond and point them in a helpful direction. That quick, direct, right-to-the point sort of coaching is my favorite.

So, I’d spend hours every day answering individual questions by email. And although I loved it, it became unmanageable. I knew I had to find a way to support people, share this understanding, and do the sort of coaching I love to do in a way that takes less time and reaches more people.

The Little School of Big Change was the best solution to that problem. The school allows me to go deep with people very quickly, while others in our community get enormous benefit from being witness to that.

I often talk about how there can be more benefit in watching others being coached and supported than there is in being coached. The difference is that we see their health and resilience more easily than our own. We aren’t invested in their issues, so we can clearly see the way out.

LSBC was incredibly helpful in that it allowed me to help many more people in less time. But there was still a gap. There were a good number of emails coming in every day from people who weren’t in the school yet. I knew there must be a way to clear up their confusion or suffering.

That’s where Ask Amy came in.

Ask Amy allows me to speak to people who are perhaps just starting to see life in this inside-out way – people who could use a pointer now, rather than waiting for the next LSBC course to start.

I’ve been addressing questions on Ask Amy every week since July of 2017…so I’ve grown quite a library! Although they are all on Facebook and on YouTube, it’s not always so easy to find what you’re looking for.

You want to hear something about ending habits without willpower? Where is that one episode from the spring of 2018???

Oh, that one about intrusive thoughts really spoke to you. Now which month was that?!?

To make Ask Amy easier to navigate, I’ve pulled out the top few episodes that fall under a few major topics. We’ve also extracted the audio only, in case it’s easier for you download and listen rather than watch.

I’m working on having them all catalogued. For now, enjoy some of Ask Amy’s greatest hits!

What to Consider as You’re Listening

The remarkable thing about this new paradigm I share is that it applies to everything. Literally, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

Although the questions people send to Ask Amy are incredibly varied and sometimes very specific, if you listen closely you’ll see that I always point them back to the same underlying truths.

What’s beneath all of our experience?

What’s beneath every problem, every obstacle, all suffering?

I point to these truths over and over. Once you get a feel for it, you’ll notice life beginning to look much simpler and feeling far easier.


Most Popular Q’s and A’s:

Ask Amy: Is depression real? Are anti-depressants necessary?

Ask Amy: How do I Let Go of Anger and Resentment?

Ask Amy: How do I Let Go of Anger and Resentment?

Ask Amy: How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

Ask Amy: Why Can’t I Brush Off my Bad Feelings?

Ask Amy: Why Can’t I Brush Off my Bad Feelings?

Most Popular Q’s and A’s on Anxiety, Overthinking, and Worry:

Ask Amy: How do I stop believing all of these horrible things about myself?

Ask Amy: Is LSBC counterproductive to anxiety recovery?

Ask Amy: Is LSBC counterproductive to anxiety recovery?

Ask Amy: How do I get out of this constant worry loop?

Ask Amy: I am having random, disturbing thoughts
that are running my life. Help!

Ask Amy: I am having random, disturbing thoughts
that are running my life. Help!

Most Popular Q’s and A’s on Ending Habits

Ask Amy: How do I end a habit without willpower?

Ask Amy: How do I deal with setbacks? I am
full of guilt and remorse.

Ask Amy: How do I deal with setbacks? I am
full of guilt and remorse.

Ask Amy: I am so motivated to NOT do my habit every night, but by morning I’m giving in again. Why?

Ask Amy: How do I dismiss urges to binge eat AND
cope with everything else in my life?

Ask Amy: How do I dismiss urges to binge eat AND
cope with everything else in my life?

See all 100+ Ask Amy Q’s and A’s on my YouTube channel (please subscribe so that they
show up weekly on your feed!)

Ready for more? Check out The Little School of Big Change Self-Study Course!

You get lifetime access to the The LSBC Self-Study course which contains 12 Core Curriculum video lessons and 7 Advanced Curriculum video lessons. Each lesson guides you through this life-changing understanding in a simple, easy–to–grasp way. This content is a combination of video lessons, animations, and conversations with other experts.

With the global challenges and uncertainty we are all facing in recent times, we're seeing how now more than ever, The Little School of Big Change is helping people navigate life with more ease and peace of mind, without turning to unwanted habits or unhealthy coping mechanisms. 

Take me to the LSBC Self-Study

Amy Johnson, PhD is a psychologist, coach, author, and speaker who shares a groundbreaking new approach that helps people find true, lasting freedom from unwanted habits via insight rather than willpower. She is author of Being Human (2013), The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit (2016), and Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Peace with Your Mind (2021).

Need help? Email: support@dramyjohnson.com

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