You Are Not Alone
Codependency is incredibly common, with some estimates as high as nearly 50% of the population in the United States. Codependency is common worldwide and can be present in people of any demographic background, although early trauma or unstable relationships with early caregivers is common in most codependency. Substance abuse or addiction are also common, but not necessary, features of codependent relationships.
Men and women struggle with codependency, although it may show up slightly more for women than for men.
Codependency is not about love or simply supporting one’s partner; it’s more of an obsessive focus on the relationship or the other person, and often an extreme fear of the relationship ending.

Hi, I’m Amy
I struggled with anxiety and habits for many years. I was told by many well-meaning professionals that I would likely struggle with this forever; that I could learn to cope, but that this habit might always come back when I was feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
Thankfully, nothing could be further from the truth today. I have been completely free of binge eating and anxiety for many years with no effort or coping necessary. In that time, I’ve shared what helped me find freedom with people all over the world with a variety of habits, including codependency, in my books, videos, online school, and my podcast, Changeable.
I’ve trained over 70 coaches to be experts in the no-willpower paradigm through my Change Coach Training Program. I’ve been a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show and Oprah.com, as well as in The Wall Street Journal and Self magazine.


“I used to blame my husband for feeling sad. For example, if he came home from work in a bad mood, it felt like he transferred the same mood to me. After Amy and The Little School of Big Change, I realized that no one could put a feeling in me. Only my own thoughts could. Freedom!”

“When I would get my feelings hurt or have a misunderstanding with someone (especially those closest to me) I would try to manage them by telling myself my feelings aren’t real, don’t matter or I shouldn’t feel that way. I would over think and try to make up scenarios of what
I should have said or done and how I can do it next time. Now when that happens, after going through The Little School of Big Change, I just sit with myself and feel the feeling I’m experiencing. Sometimes there is a big story with the feeling and I just listen knowing that it is only true in this moment so I don’t need to push it away or believe it as solid truth. I also know that any and all feelings are safe to experience, even the really hard ones like betrayal, grief, and abandonment. I no longer need to manage or control what’s going on. All I need to do is hold it in love, compassion and curiosity.”

“Before finding Amy, I struggled with codependency and boundaries issues.
After The Little School of Big Change, I stopped fixing people and started listening more to my wisdom. It’s so much easier to have boundaries without feeling guilty. I now experience far fewer signs of codependency.”
What Can I Do To Change My Codependency Habit?

- Presents a new paradigm for freedom from codependency and other relationship issues
- Shares how insecurity and self-doubt are completely impersonal
- 90 minutes long

See what codependent relationships are, how and why codependent habits begin, and how to find freedom from them.
- Digital course – go at your own pace
- This is the perfect course for those struggling with codependent thoughts, feelings, and habits.
- Learn about the simple misunderstandings that underlie codependency habits and the truth beyond those misunderstandings.
- Over 10 hours of video content

- LSBC Self-Study – go through Dr. Amy’s flagship course at your own pace
- 19 video lessons that bring this paradigm to life
- 1000s of students have found freedom from habits including codependency
- Option to upgrade to guided course

About The Little School of Big Change
My bestselling book, The Little Book of Big Change, and my online school, The Little School of Big Change, have helped tens of thousands of people in 50+ countries find their own freedom from binge eating and other habits without therapy, revisiting the past, medication, or willpower.
The Little School of Big Change is a highly supportive 6-week course that shares a groundbreaking new paradigm in mental health that has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world to tap into their natural health and resilience.
The school helps you see yourself and your psychology in a radically new way—a way that leads to freedom from what holds you back.