The Little School of Big ChangeThe Little School of Big Change Presents…

Life Appearing as Everything

This event is now over.

The Little School of Big ChangeThe Little School of Big Change Presents…

Life Appearing as Everything

This event is now over. Sign up below to be notified of future In-Person events.


Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

You’re onto the fact that things are not as they seem.

There is more beyond the appearance of things, but it’s all one “thing” called Life. It’s always life playing dress-up; life appearing as everything.

Life appears as an eating disorder or depression or abandonment.

Life appears as a memory, frustration, resistance, fear, excitement, joy.

Life appears as the story of a woman doing well in life or a man who should be doing better. Life appears as a person or a bluebird or a slug; a job, a marriage, a government.

It’s all one single light reflecting as slugs and jobs and feelings and people and expectations. It’s all life playing dress-up for its own amusement.

Please join me and your fellow LSBC grads (non-grads are welcome too!) to explore how all that appears is life in disguise. This exploration is incredibly expansive as it is seen that troubles, problems, limitations, and identities are life taking a temporary appearance too.

Together Again!

It’s amazing that we have such a close and supportive online community…and there is something incredibly powerful about coming together to explore with others.

Past LSBC Live events have helped people ground in what’s being shared in a way that feels somehow different from what we experience through our screens. You’ll get to connect with your LSBC friends in a way Zoom doesn’t allow, sharing meals, hugs, and conversation.

Events with Amy Johnson

Everyone is Welcome!

This immersion weekend is open to anyone, regardless of whether you’ve been part of The Little School of Big Change or not. We would love to welcome you!

This immersion weekend is open to anyone, regardless of whether you’ve been part of The Little School of Big Change or not. We would love to welcome you!

Please register early as space is limited.

Early Bird: $495 until May 1st ($595 after May 1st)

Register Now!

I would love to spend these 3 days with you in Chicago!

What Past Participants Say…

“This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.” -Rumi

Dr Amy Johnson

About Amy

Amy Johnson, PhD is a psychologist, coach, author, and speaker who shares a groundbreaking new approach that helps people find true, lasting freedom from unwanted habits via insight rather than willpower.

She is the author of Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind, The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit, and Being Human. In 2017 she opened The Little School of Big Change, an online school that has helped thousands of people find freedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life.

Amy also shares the no-willpower approach in her top-rated podcast, Changeable, and she’s trained over 70 coaches in her Change Coach Training Program. She has been a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show and, as well as in The Wall Street Journal and Self magazine.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are continuing to closely monitor local ordinances that may impact our event and they will be updated here as they change. Currently, our event will not require proof of vaccination or the use of masks. There will be ample space in our venue for social distancing and mask use is optional. 

As of January 2022, the city of Chicago has required proof of vaccination for any individual age 5 and older to dine indoors, visit gyms, or enjoy entertainment venues where food or drink is being consumed. You should be aware of that as you travel within the city. The city is lifting various requirements in phases based on covid rates, so any changes to these policies will be shared here.

The event will be recorded (but not streamed live). If you can’t attend the event live, you will receive access to the recording of the event.

If we need to cancel the event due to a change in Covid restrictions, your ticket will be refunded.

No, the event will not be livestreamed, but it may be recorded in the event that covid restrictions or illness prevent ticket holders from joining live. In the event that the live event is recorded, you will be given a video release form that explains how the recording might be used. You will have the option of not signing the release and having your contributions deleted from the video.

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