Tag: enlightened

Give Yourself Some Sound Advice

I get very reminiscent in the fall. Do you ever look back at the person You Were at some point in the past and think of what you might tell that person now?  From Who You Are today, what would you tell the You of 10 years ago?Ten years ago, I was starting my second

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Change the Channel

I have conflicting feelings about television.Of course I don’t believe there’s anything inherently bad about TV. But that’s not saying much, because I also don’t believe there’s anything inherently bad about crack.Which actually isn’t far off the mark, as far comparisons go. My issue with TV is that it’s so easy to cross that line

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Ask and you Shall Recieve

I went for a walk the other day, not feeling so great. I was filled with worry and self-judgment. Did some self-coaching that morning and it just wasn’t giving me the relief I was looking for.The worry was around getting pregnant again. Or more accurately, the fear of not getting pregnant again. The self-judgment came

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How to Speak Your Mind and Still be Enlightened

A question came up the other day. It’s one I hear from clients pretty often, too. “How do I speak up for myself and still be Enlightened?”                                                     First, let’s define Enlightened. Enlightened is when you’ve been working on your stuff for a while and you realize that you are the only one responsible for your

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