When all those outside opinions of you are screaming in your head, which one is loudest? Which carries the most weight? Which one do you believe over the others?
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The voice that sounds most assertive or confident?
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The deepest (male) one? The oldest one? The most Catholic, Jewish, or Buddhist one?
The one that comes from person with the most life experience? The most degrees? The most money?
The one that sounds like your parents? (We’re wired to believe that one).
The voice of the person most important to you?
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The ones you most want to impress?
The opinion that tells you what you want to hear? Or maybe it’s the one that confirms your biggest fears about yourself? (I bet it’s the latter).
What about the voice that sounds like you? Why isn’t that the clear and obvious winner?
There are lots of reasons. Here are some. And here are some more. But the why isn’t all that important.
What matters is that you get that no one knows you better than you do. No one knows what’s best for you better than you do. They couldn’t possibly. Never have and never will.
So let’s stop letting them run the show, k?