EP62: Realizing that Mental Health is Built into our Design with Julieanne Chazotte

“Mental health is designed into us.”

I know this to be true.

But for some reason, it stopped me in my tracks when Julieanne said it in the first few minutes of our conversation.

Julie talks about how so much of the change in her life came from every day interactions. Not from learning or exploring anything in a formal way, just by being in life.

Also listen for when she deeply realized that she was not socially anxious. I bet you’ll be able to relate J

This conversation quieted my mind and stuck with me for a while. I hope it does the same for you!

You can see more about Julieanne here: https://www.julieannechazotte.com/


TODAY, September 23, 2019, is the first day of school!

The Little School of Big Change is now open. The new students are finding their seats and taking in the first lessons.

I’d love for you to join us! https://dramyjohnson.com/the-little-school-of-big-change/


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