
Woman next to car GratitudeWe’re about halfway through the Fall 2020 LSBC course and I’m so full of gratitude.

This is where things start to get real.

This is where people who have spent the first couple weeks worried and comparing themselves to others, begin to relax and let things unfold as they will.

This is where things often really begin to click. What students have seen begins to deepen. They grow in familiarity with who-they-are beyond their thoughts and feelings.

This is often where what was once a bit vague, becomes less so.

I know this is so cheesy, but it’s the honor of a lifetime to get to witness people waking up in this way. It’s a huge thrill and I’m so grateful.

I didn’t come up with the things I share. They aren’t my original revelations. I was just blessed to be shown them by my teachers. And now I simply pass it on.

And I’m so grateful for all of it. That I was shown this way, that my habits fell away, that these insights keep deepening, and that I’ve been able to create a course and a business that shares this with others.

Our insights aren’t “ours”. We don’t own them. Our clients and students aren’t “ours” either. They are simply passing through our lives. We just get to watch in awe and gratitude.

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