
Family in Christmas sceneI say the word awesome way too much. I grew up in the 80’s, what can I say?

I definitely call things awesome that don’t exactly induce “awe”. I mean, awe is big. It’s huge. My favorite greek salad is delicious, but I’m not sure beets and tomatoes are truly awesome.

I’m not sure it’s truly awesome that I got the last gallon of eggnog at the store, or that we got through the end of the massive laundry pile yesterday.

But my favorite thing about the holidays is that there is so much that is truly deserving of the label awesome. There is so much to be in awe of.

It blows me away that people spend so much time and energy decorating for the simple joy of seeing and sharing something beautiful. These lights were over-the-top, unbelievably awesome.

I think of all that goes into a display like this and the awe on people’s faces as they approach the lights. It’s awesome.

Watching my kids put so much thought into their gifts for each other is truly awesome.
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Seeing people ring bells in the freezing cold to make money to donate to people in need is awesome.
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And all of those people who walk by dropping dollars in are truly awesome too.
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I hope you find some things truly awesome this holiday season.

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