EP190: Hope as a Handhold

There are many concepts and ideas that have been incredibly helpful to me.

Things like wisdom, empowerment, hope…

From a place of feeling completely immersed in the story of me-and-my-life, going from feeling like life is up to me to seeing that there is something called “wisdom” leading the way was unbelievably helpful.Same with hope. From feeling hopeless in the me-and-my-life experience, to experiencing hope, was huge. 

And, there often comes a time when those ideas and concepts that we were once so expansive begin to feel limiting. We outgrow them, in a sense, which is expansive in itself. 

In this episode, I share how many concepts that were once helpful handholds can come to feel like limitations, and how that’s excellent news. I also share the story of a woman whose worst fears came true and how that catapulted her far beyond hope, wisdom, or any conceptual handhold into the space beyond all ideas. 


After a very long, very virtual two years, the amazing LSBC Live event is back! 

We’ll gather in person from June 3 to 5th in Chicago for 2 ½ days of connection, exploration, and a lot of hugs, laughter and insights around this year’s theme, Life Appearing as Everything.

I would love to gather and immerse in this conversation with you in Chicago in June. For full details and to save your seat with early bird pricing, visit https://dramyjohnson.com/lsbclive2022/

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