Tag: happy

Do you Manufacture Worry?

It takes courage to be happy.It’s very human to be afraid of the uncertainty of life. Afraid all the good stuff you have is going to end and you won’t be able to cope.Brene Brown talks about the panic that sets in while she’s staring lovingly at her sleeping children. From “aren’t they precious” to

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Practicing Gratitude

This was originally called, ‘Be Grateful’. Until I thought about how Being Grateful and Practicing Gratitude, are two very different things.Being Grateful is often a momentary feeling; a one-shot deal. It happens when you’re waiting for a root canal and you suddenly feel profoundly grateful for general anesthetic. Or it’s your turn around the Thanksgiving

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The Small Stuff of Happiness

Think about the Little Things that contribute most to your wellbeing and happiness. They’re little, yes, but this is big.Although I like to get all deep and write about profound concepts like knowing you’re good enough, accepting reality, not complaining, self-love, being present and mindful…the truth is, real day-to-day happiness is often in the Small

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One of my Most Favorite Things Ever

Okay, I know many of you have seen this already. But oh my God do I love this little girl!So, watch it again. Smile. Laugh. Let it inspire your own Rampage of Appreciation. What do you love? What would it take for you to be this excited about your life?I think it only takes a

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Whose Underwear are you Wearing?

Isn’t it cool that there are people who are really passionate about algebra? And chemistry and dry cleaning and accounting? Thank God for those people, because I love a good dry cleaner and it would suck to have to do that myself.Think about all the people who are stuck doing stuff they don’t love. They’re

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Being Unhappy in Order to Get Happy

This has been touched on in previous posts but it really bears repeating. And I’ve never delved into to this extent.This comes up a lot and it’s really important. So listen up.  You don’t need to make yourself unhappy in order to affect change.  You don’t need to milk your stuckness in order to move forward.

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Are you Good Enough?

Not being Good Enough has come up a lot with clients lately. Maybe it’s the time of year. New Years resolutions are officially abandoned, income taxes remind us of our financial “worth”, it’s almost swim suit season…a million little things seem to highlight our inadequacies. People feel badly about themselves. They rack their brains for

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