Positive feelings are built into who you are. They are part of your design, they were in your original blueprints, they come pre-installed when you were born.
You can’t think your way to positive feelings, at least not in any real or lasting way. You can think happy thoughts and feel happy feelings, or think excited thoughts and feel excited feelings, but it’s pretty fabricated. It feels as manufactured as it is and it only lasts for as long as those particular thoughts last.
But that’s okay, because you don’t have to think your way to positive feelings, since positive feelings are built into who you are. All you need to do is know that they are there by default, underneath all that thought.
When you take your foot off the gas and stop revving up your thoughts, and stop entertaining all of those thoughts as if they have an important message for you, your mind settles down and you find the positive feelings you were looking for.
There is nothing more you need to—or even can—do. Notice when you’re not feeling great and take your foot off the gas. You and those positive feelings will be reunited in no time.
It truly is that simple.
(Artwork by Amy Johnson 🙂
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