The only thing ever going on when there is any bit of discomfort or discontent is this: a thought believed.
Thought arises and is viewed as all-there-is.
There is never anything else going on. Thought arises and is viewed as truth. That’s it.
It is that simple, but here’s why it won’t feel so simple: it will most definitely look like there is something else going on.
It will look like what’s happening should not be happening, as if another version of ‘what is’ is possible.
It will look like you should have made a different choice.
It will look like you could be happier if something changed.
It will look like it’s not fair.
It will look like you aren’t living up to your potential, you missed your chance, the world should be different, people in your life should be different.
All of those things will appear to be the case, but all of those are only thoughts believed.
None of those are the problem or the source of suffering.
They are thoughts viewed as truth and thoughts viewed as truth are the only true source of suffering.